Summer Camps

Summer Camp Collage2016 Summer Gymnastics Camps

Click Here to Get registered TODAY!!!

Whether they know it or not, your kids love gymnastics! They hang on bars, balance on the curb and do cartwheels in the back yard! Let them spend the Summer with Eagle’s Wings Athletics learning and improving the skills they already love to do in a fun and safe environment!

General Information: EWA Summer Gymnastics Camp provides a quality program that encourages kids to set personal goals, challenge themselves and develop good sportsmanship and team work skills. We utilize the sprot of gymnastics to achieve all these things! Your athlete will get to participate in a variety of activities while at Eagle’s Wings Athletics including Gymnstics Classes, Games, Activities, Team Building, Rock Climbing and more! {Sample Schedule Below}

Eligibility: Children must be at least 3 years old and completely potty trained by the start of camp. No Pull-Ups or Diapers are allowed. No exceptions

What to Bring: Camp T-shirts must be worn at all times during camp for security purposes. Please bring a full change of clothes for each camper as accidents can happen. Campers should bring a sack lunch, a snack, and a refillable water bottle. All medications and special instructions must be signed into the office on your child’s 1st day of camp each week. Please be sure to label all items brought to camp with your child’s name, including your camp T-shirt.

Drop Off & Pick Up: Each child will need to be signed in and out by a parent/guardian at the sign-in table and will be issued a numbered wristband. The parent/guardian will be given the number to use during pickup. If someone other than a parent/guardian is picking up please tell them your child’s wristband number to pick your child up from camp.

Counselor In Training Program: Is your child going into 7th or 8th grade next school year? Does camp seem a little young for their liking, but you need a place for them to go? EWA will enlist them in our IT Program making camp *1/2 the price for you! Your child will assist camp counselors during summer campse and learn the EWA ropes. Ask our office staff aobut signing your child up for this exciting program!

*CITs must attend camp all 5 days for the week and the weekly rate will be cut in 1/2 for these helpers. If you want to be a CIT, you must attend the ENTIRE week! Registration fee and deposits are due at time of sign up.

2016 Camp Dates and Themes:

$20 Summer Camp Registration, includes camp shirt.  Good for the whole summer.











Sample Daily Schedule: Camp is from 8a-1p{ages 3 and older}, 1p-6p {ages 3 and older} or 8a-6p{ages 5 and older}

8:00 Check In
8:15 Stretching
8:30 Gymnastics Rotation #1
9:00 Gymnastics Rotation #2
9:30 Break/Snack
10:00 Themed Gymnastic Event/Game
10:15 Gymnastics Rotation #3
10:45 Gymnastics Rotation #4
11:15 Break/Craft
11:30 Gymnastics Rotation #5
12:00 Lunch
12:15 Open Gym
12:30 Themed Gymnastics Event/Game
1:00 Check Out

1:00 Check In
1:15 Stretching
1:30 Gymnastics Rotation #1
2:00 Gymnastics Rotation #2
2:30 Break/Snack
2:45 Themed Gymnastic Event/Rotation
3:15 Gymnastics Rotation #3
3:45 Gymnastics Rotation #4
4:15 Break/Craft
4:30 Gymnastics Rotation #5
5:00 Break/Snack
5:15 Open Gym
5:30 Themed Gymnastic Event/Game
6:00 Check Out


Flexible Sessions 
2 sessions per day from 8a-1p or 1p-6p.Campers ages 3 & 4 may attend 1 session per day and campers ages 5+ may attend 2 sessions per day.

# of Sessions Purchased 

Price per Session 






Drop In Rate: $30


Pre Register Rate: $25

Weekly 1/2 Day $109
Campers may attend 8a-1p or 1p-6p for an en-tire week at a discounted rateCampers must attend Monday thru Friday to receive weekly rate

 $21.80 per session

Weekly Full Day $184
Campers may attend 8a-6p for an entire week at a discounted rateCampers must attend Monday thru Friday to receive weekly rate

 $18.40 per session

Deposit (Due at



1/3 total cost Weekly campers pay remaining 2/3 at Monday of camp.Session purchasers will be auto draft-ed for remainder. 1/3 July 1st, and 1/3 August 1st
Registration Fee (Good All Summer) 


$20 Per camper and includes 1 t-shirt per camper
Extra Camp Shirts  $10 Per Shirt